Sunday, October 31, 2010

This week is dedicated to chicken

BBQ chicken salad!

1 head iceberg lettuce - cut into strips

1 large bunch romaine lettuce cut into strips

1/2 cup frozen white or yellow corn kernels rinsed thoroughly under cold water & drain

1/2 cup of your choice of cheese

1 avocado diced

1-2 medium tomatoes diced

juice of 1/2 lime - drizzle over avocado

1/4 cup coriander finely chopped

1/2 cup ranch salad dressing

500 gm. chicken breast fillet

1/8 cup olive oil

1/8 cup soy sauce

1 teaspoon minced garlic

1/2 teaspoon salt

fresh ground black pepper

1/4 cup barbecue sauce

marinate the chicken breasts in olive oil, soy sauce, garlic and salt for 1 hour. Cook on broiler pan and season with fresh ground pepper until cooked through. Let rest 10 minutes before dicing into 1/2" cubes, then toss with barbecue sauce.

On a large plate, layer lettuces, corn, cheese and tomatoes. Top with warm barbecued chicken and avocados. Sprinkle on cilantro.

Serve immediately with ranch dressing and garlic bread.

Chinese Chicken Wings

1 kg chicken wings tips removed

3 cloves of garlic crushed

2 cm piece of ginger crushed

2-3 Tbspn distilled white vinegar

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 tspn chillie flakes

3/4 cup soy sauce

salt and a dash of black pepper(optional)

4 tbspn oil

1 stick spring onion chopped

Mix everything up and let the chicken marinate in the refrigerator for minimum 2 hours. Grill for approximately 20 minutes or till chicken wings are done. Serve and some sprinkle spring onions on top of wings

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wonderfully Inspiring bedrooms

This type of bed is very romantic and will work well in a coastal or beach inspired bedroom. Just need to throw in a few accessories here and there and voila.......
I love the red accents on this bedroom!!!!

Beautiful four poster bed-my mum would love this

I really really love the headboard with the light flickering through the Moroccan inspired pattern. Don't know about the patterns on the wall though....

Lovely colour, very relaxing

Loving the white and grey contrast!

Talk about a pop of colour!!!!!
Simply beautiful

Taste that kills...why you should ditch the stock cubes

There is a Dr called Robert Kwok who had emigrated from China to the US,  he was the first person who identified the first reactions to MSG in 1968. He reported that within 20 minutes of having meal at a Chinese restaurant, he suffered from numbness, tingling, and tightness of the chest that stayed there for about two hours. This collection of symptoms got popular by the name of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.

Research was then carried out in the US, which found that high amount of MSG flavor enhancers in food result into the same reaction in almost everyone. The following are other symptoms associated with MSG
  • Burning, facial pressure and chest pain
  • Migraine headache
  • Gastric distress suspected heart attack - typically, pain in the chest, tingling and numbness from the chest down the left arm and a feeling of impending doom.
  • Asthma
  • Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
  • Obesity, people who use MSG flavor enhancer in their food more often are more likely to be overweight or obese
Children are more vulnerable to MSG dangers than adults.

If you take MSG flavor enhancer in small quantities occasionally, you might not be in the danger zone for MSG side effects. However, if you take it in higher doses or are sensitive than other people or give your children this flavor enhancer, you might want to change your habits considering the MSG  effects. Here is the list of common food that contain MSG flavor enhancers for your help.Also remember that not all manufactures put all the ingredients on the packaging, but unless it says no added MSG just know that its there.
  • Sauces, gravies and stocks even if they read natural
  • Processed meat, fish, tomato or vegetable pastes or sauces
  • Stock cubes, pastes and powders
  • Soy sauce, soy paste, soy protein, miso, tempeh
  • MSG seasoning powders like gourmet powder, Chinese seasoning, ajinomoto, & seasoned salt with flavor enhancers
  • Potato crisps or chips
  • Ready to eat meals
  • Soup powders and canned soups
Another study found MSG effects to cause retinal damage in newborn mice, rats and chicks, pregnant mothers stay clear of this stuff.

The Dangers of MSG - Part 2a 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy' (Flavor Enhanc...

The Dangers of MSG - Part 1 'The Hidden Danger in Your Food' (Flavor Enh...

The Dangers of MSG - Part 2b 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy' (Flavor Enhanc...

The Dangers of MSG - Part 3 'MSG, Cancer & Your Heart' (Flavor Enhancers...

The Dangers of MSG - Part 4 'Avoiding the MSG Threat' (Flavor Enhancers,...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Super Foods That Boost Immunity

Probiotic yogurt
oats and barley
chicken soup
black tea
sweet potatoes

7 foods the experts wont eat...........

1. Canned Tomatoes
the problem: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food.

The solution: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do not need resin linings), & in Tetra Pak boxes, or better still use fresh tomatoes-preferably organic.

2. Corn-Fed Beef
The problem: Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains. But farmers today feed their animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for slaughter. More money for cattle farmers (and lower prices at the grocery store) means a lot less nutrition for us

The solution: Buy grass-fed beef from specialty butchers

3. Microwave Popcorn
The problem: Chemicals, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of the bag, are part of a class of compounds that may be linked to infertility in humans, according to a recent study from UCLA. In animal testing, the chemicals cause liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancer. Studies show that microwaving causes the chemicals to vaporize—and migrate into your popcorn. "They stay in your body for years and accumulate there.

The solution: Pop natural kernels the old-fashioned way: in a skillet. For flavorings, you can add real butter or dried seasonings.

4. Nonorganic Potatoes
The problem: Root vegetables absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that wind up in soil. In the case of potatoes—America's most popular vegetable— plus most other parts of the world, they're treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting. After they're dug up, the potatoes are treated yet again to prevent them from sprouting. Try this experiment: Buy a conventional potato in a store (in the USA), and try to get it to sprout. It won't, potato growers say point-blank they would never eat the potatoes they sell. They have separate plots where they grow potatoes for themselves without all the chemicals."

The solution: Buy organic potatoes. Washing isn't good enough if you're trying to remove chemicals that have been absorbed into the flesh.

6. Milk Produced with Artificial Hormones

The problem: Milk producers treat their dairy cattle with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST, as it is also known) to boost milk production. But rBGH also increases udder infections and even pus in the milk. It also leads to higher levels of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor in milk. In people, high levels of IGF-1 may contribute to breast, prostate, and colon cancers.

The solution: Check labels for rBGH-free, rBST-free, produced without artificial hormones, or organic milk. These phrases indicate rBGH-free products.

7. Conventional Apples

The problem: If fall fruits held a "most doused in pesticides contest," apples would win. Why? They are individually grafted (descended from a single tree) so that each variety maintains its distinctive flavor. As such, apples don't develop resistance to pests and are sprayed frequently.increasing numbers of studies are starting to link a higher body burden of pesticides (from all sources) with Parkinson's disease.
The solution: Buy organic apples. If you can't afford organic, be sure to wash and peel them first.

by Liz Vaccariello, Editor-in-Chief, PREVENTION,

Monday, October 25, 2010

INTERIOR RUMAH MUNGIL - Simple Dan Minimalist

Rumah Mungil anda dapat menjadi rumah yang sangat nyaman dan asyik dengan desain interior dan tata ruang yang Perfect ,,  Hal ini membuat anda menjadi betah di rumah dan pastinya menjadi inspirasi buat pekerjaan anda dan juga menciptakan kedamaian bersama keluarga .

Untuk Penataan rumah mungil ini banyak hal yang harus dikerjakan dengan teliti dan seksama sehingga dapat memanfaatkan ruang yang ada secara maximal..

Faktor faktor yang harus diperhatikan antara lain :
- Pilih Bentuk furniture yang geometri agar dihasilkan penaataan yang efisien
- Rancanglah jalur sirkulasi  yang efisien , sehingga tidak diperluakan banyak ruang untuk area transisi .
- Manfaatkan ruang sisa  sebagai storage atau tempat penyimpanan , area penyimpanan diusahakan juga  
  dengan desain yang menarik sehingga fungsinya dapat dimaksimalkan bukan hanya sebagai storage .

Dalam Rumah Mungil ada beberapa ruang yang harus ada dalam penataan desain tersebut antara lain :
- Ruang Kamar Tidur utama
- Ruang Kamar tidur anak .
- Ruang Duduk
- Ruang dapur dan ruang makan
- Kamar mandi .
- Teras dan Garasi .

Ruang tersebut diatas sebaiknya di desain sedemikian rupa hingga dapat berfungsi sebaiknya dan terlihat lapang dan tidak sempit. , Untuk itu diperlukan penataan dan bentuk furniture yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan juga simpel .  Untuk itu anda perlu seorang konsultan Interior    PERFETTO Interior Design  Siap melayani untuk konsultasi desain rumah minimalis anda .

Tips untuk Mendesai rumah mungil
- Manfaatkan ruang sisa di bawah furniture seperti ruang dibawah meja , kursi atau tempat tidur menjadi
   storage  .
- Manfaatkan ruang sisa pada bagian elemen interior seperti di belakang pintu , jendeal dan disudut ruang
- Manfaatkan bidang dinding yang kosk dengan rak atau ambalan sebagai storage atau penghias dinding.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

some 2010 bathroom trends

Bathrooms nowadays are not just utilitarian and practical spaces where you just go do your business and leave. They have evolved into rooms where you engage all your senses. Its not only about beautiful tiles and fixtures, but also an engagement of the senses, for example, built-in audio systems to help you relax your mind. Here are just a few of the many trends for 2010.

As people are becoming more aware and concerned about their environment, manufacturers around the world are coming up with greener and better products. For example, manufactures are getting smart about reducing toilet flush and faucet water usage. Companies are also producing hands-free faucets which use sensors to release water, this saves water by keeping the flow to a minimum.

Another popular trend are units that double up as seats which are both functional and pleasing to the eye.

Monday, October 18, 2010



Kamar UTAMA  :  Rp 19.000.000,-
Kerangka Panjang 160 cm dan Matras
Lemari Pakaian 2 Pintu
Meja Rias & Cermin .

KAMAR ANAK  : Rp 12.500.000,-
Rangka Panjang 120 Cm x Matrass
Lemari Pakaian 1 Pintu
Meja Belajar

DINNING ROOM  : Rp 22.000.000,-
Kitchen Set  Kabinet Atas dan Bawah
Kompor 1 Tungku
Cooker Hood
Meja Makan & 2 Kursi .

LIVING ROOM  : Rp 19.000.000,-
Sofa 2 Seater
Coffee Table
Rack TV

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hello everyone just a few words on breast cancer.

  • Don't forget to perform your breast self examinations every month 
  • In Kenya breast cancer accounts for more than 21% of all cancers affecting women
  • Remember early detection saves lives
  • Aga-Khan University Hospital is currently holding free breast check-up clinics this month

healthy living...what are we going to eat this week?

Wow it's been a good morning, so far nothing to complain about.... the usual crazy morning traffic was non-existent today and the kids oh so co-operative, so it's off to a good a start. I love eating good food (I mean who doesn't) so I've been thinking a lot about it recently, am not the type of mom who has a set menu for the whole week although I have to give kudos to those that do -y'all must be having some really good organizational skills something that am really trying to work on.This week, I will be featuring different types of healthy breakfast ideas you can try for the whole week, forget about tea and bread (they really don't do you much good) remember, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Monday: got the blues? I have enjoyed sleeping a few extra hours the last couple of days so naturally I don't want to wake up EARLY.So what better way to start of the week with a power breakfast.

Banana orange & strawberry smoothie:

This is my favourite smoothie.Normally I freeze some old bananas and use them for my smoothies.You can freeze the strawberries as well.Its so quick to make only takes a few seconds in the blender and you are ready to indulge.

1 frozen banana, doesn't have to be frozen
a handful of strawberries
1/2 a cup of Del-Monte orange juice or juice of 1 orange

Dash of honey 
1 cup low-fat ooh vanilla yogurt

Mix everything up and blend well, drink immediately.D'lish

so what's in it for you:
  • Calcium,potassium,vitamin C,vitamin A.
  • Strawberries have anti-oxidant properties so might help in fighting cancer.

Tuesday: A little goes a long way, what I mean here is you should always try to eat something that will give you energy for the most part of the morning or better still, till your next meal-lunch. Here is a great suggestion you can try out.


Ok I really don't have to tell you how to cook oatmeal,am pretty sure that most of you know how to and if by any chance you don't then please follow package instructions.Oatmeal doesn't have to be bland and tasteless...personally I like it with a little sugar and milk,and for some crunch add some almonds.

so whats in it for you?
  • Oats are a good source of vitamin E, copper, selenium, zinc,iron,manganese and magnesium.
  • It has cancer fighting properties
  • Oats reduce cholesterol levels in the blood  hence reducing the risk of getting heart disease
  • The soluble fiber in oats helps you feel full longer, it can therefore help you control your weight
  • Oats may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes
  • They may help reduce High Blood Pressure
Wednesday: Hi all, Ive been really busy the last coupe of days so the slight delay in my postings.Anyway, Wednesday is one of those days-the child in the middle I like to say, so what better way to start your day with this super fast and refreshing breakfast.Who has time anyway in the middle of the week to whip up something extraordinary,as it is we are all in a rush to get out of the house early enough to beat the morning rush, do you feel my sentiments people!

Orange juice & cereal:

A glass of orange juice (Del-Monte my favorite)
and yeah what the heck some cereal (I love Muesli with some realllllyy cold milk), yum.

So whats in it for you?

  • All the goodness of oranges-vitamin C, this powerful fruit is a good anti-oxidant ( gets rid of all the free radicals in our bodies hence helping us protect against diseases like cancer.
  • Good source of calcium-yes people calcium is not only found in dairy products
  • Folic acid, good for proper brain development
Thursday: yes we are getting there,one more day to the weekend, the psych is up and lets hope our motivation to. For today am thinking something light.

tea with a little milk & no added sugar please ( you have to keep the weight off-that's a whole other discussion which I will get to soon)
Toast with butter and jam. Don't spread the butter like you are cementing a house, that goes for the jam as well.

Friday: pheeeeew the week is practically over! Friday is the day when people get to work late and leave earlier than usual..In this neck of the woods we call it FURAHI (Swahili for fun, happy) day. Let's see what are we having today?

Toast,yogurt, & fruit salad:

Wholemeal toast one slice
Low fat yogurt -I recommend Ooh Lala Vanilla
A small bowl of fruit salad (your own choice of fruit) topped with some crushed almonds.

So whats in it for me?
  • wholemeal is good for digestion
  • some calcium boost from the yogurt
  • various vitamins and minerals depending on the fruit you choose

    Saturday, October 16, 2010

    Desain Ruang Kantor - Office Design Interior

    Ruang kantor yang nyaman , Tertata Rapi  dan juga Lux bisa mencerminkan perusahaan tersebut , untuk itu perusahaan juga perlu  memberi sentuhan desain interior agar kebutuhan akan ruang dan juga pemanfaatan ruang kantor tersebut dapat maximal .
    Kami siap membantu anda untuk Desain ruang kantor , dan pembuatan furniture sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda dengan hasil yang maximal .
    DIJAMIN !!!!!

    Konsultasikan mulai dari pemilihan bahan material , Fungsi dan juga desain yang sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan .  Dijamin dengan harga yang terjangkau dan kompetitif dengan hasil yang maximal .
    Hub : 021-53674785 (hunting)


    Kamar Mandi saat ini juga merupakan element penting dalam sebuah rumah atau APARTEMEN , Kamar mandi yang bersih , Kering dan juga Cantik membuat Pengguna terasa nyaman .
    Ternyata untuk membuat hal tersebut tidaklah mudah , dikarenakan ruang kamar mandi yang terbatas dan harus sangat bermanfaat bagi penggunanya.

    Konsultasikan kepada Arsitek kami dan marketing team kami untuk merealisasikan kamar mandi yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
    Hub : 021- 53674785 

    Living Room Gallery

    Great living room pictures from House Beautiful, and House To Home, hope they'll inspire some of you out there....

    KITCHEN SET - SKETSA DESAIN DAPUR Minimalis - Tata Ruang Masak cantik Bikin betah di DAPUR

    Memasak adalah salah satu kegiatan Favorit dalam rumah tangga , sehingga saat ini mengelola dan juga memanfaatkan ruang dapur semakin menarik . Hal ini diperlukan agar DAPUR bisa juga menjadi area yang untuk membangun komunikasi dan juga area penting antar sesama anggota keluarga .

    DAPUR bersih , dan Cantik menjadi Idaman setiap pemilik Rumah maupun Apartemen , untuk Itu Kami hadir untuk merealisasikan DAPUR IDAMAN dalam setiap Rumah atau Apartemen anda .
    Beragam motif , ukuran dan desain menarik kami hadirkan special untuk Pribadi anda yang juga Special .

    Dapatkan Desain 3D Kitchen set dengan nuansa warna favorit anda , dan juga desain yang merefleksikan pribadi anda yang special .

    Berikut kami tampilkan sample 3D design yang kami buat untuk untuk setiap penawaran Kitchen set sebelum di buat , sehingga kami dapat menyajikan produk lebih detail .

    Desain diatas adalah illustrasi dari 3D desain dan desain akan dibuat ulang sesuai dengan ukuran dapur serta keinginan konsumen .  Untuk konsultasi bisa hubungi Marketing kami , dan diskusikan  kebutuhan dan budget anda . Hub : 021- 53674785 ( hunting)


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